Social Media Bootcamp for Parents of Teens
Free Training with Tova Garr
In 7 days learn the most important info every parent HAS to know about raising a teen today!
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Do you know what your teen and preteen is up to online?
If you want them be safe this challenge is for you!
In These 7 Days You Will Learn:
- Why are things so different today than they were you were a teen, and what you MUST know as a parent today
- To follow or not follow your teen online- what is the answer?
- Porn, Sexting and bullying – help!
- How to effectively communicate with your teen
- Learn the 7 practical steps to keeping your teen online
Keep Your Teen Safe Online!
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Hi, I am Tova Garr.
My passion is teenagers, but really it is helping you, the parents, get up to speed on your kid's life so you can be the best parent you can be. Eliminating conflict in your house, whether around social media or life. Making sure you have what it takes to be there for them in the ups and downs of being a teenager, no matter what they are facing; social challenges, body image issues, bullying, getting into trouble online, low self-esteem and more.

What parents are saying...
I know there are things out there but kind of just ignored it until now, or told myself my kids are young I don’t need to know yet, this has been great to get me started and open my eyes I am now ready to do more research.. Thank you, Thank you for your time in doing this challenge!!! ~ J, Mom from Florida
Just checking in all the way from Melbourne Australia, to say thanks for producing some really great thought-provoking and valuable content and for sharing your expertise with us.
Everything you say hits the nail on the head. So thank you for your honesty and insights. Your professional guidance is just what I needed.
You’re videos have prompted me to make some renewed attempts to connect better with her while I have the chance. ~ M, Mom from Australia
I was worried I was not going to have time to commit to this, so glad I did not listen to those voices! I learned so much in 7 days. I know feel like I know what my next staps are and what I need to be thinking of. cant wait to take the next step with you. ~ L, Mom from Toronto Canada

Are you ready to learn what your teen is facing and what you need to do as a parent to keep them safe? Come Join Us!
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