It is my intention to help empower and support pre-teens and teens as they move through adolescence and give parents the tools they need to help them support their teens to become independent, confident young adults.
I specialize in successful communication with teens and raising teens in the digital age, supporting parents and teens with all they need to know to navigate this world successfully.
Upcoming Events
Social Media Bootcamp
Learn what your teen is facing and what you need to do as a parent to keep them safe. Come join us! It is FREE Just click the link below to join!
Free Trainings
Come join me for regular free training on Facebook Live
@ www.facebook.com/fromgirsl2women
Click here to visit the page and see past trainings
Teen Trainings - Social media 101
Feel like you keep telling your teen how to behave online and they don't really listen?
Let me to to work with your teen and help them learn how to be safe online.
I am offering 3 options:
Pre- Phone session- For kids who do not yet have a phone or are new users
Age 13-15 - for teen who are using their phone and experiencing all the comes with it
Age 16-18- Looking in to the future- how does your use of social media today effect your future
Contact me to set up session for teens in your area
Come join us
Social Media Savvy
5 Week Online Course for Parents
Have a kid who is about to get a phone,
or have a teen that already has one?
Are you aware of the things your kids are exposed to
and need to deal with regularly?
Do you want to make sure that social media is not
something you fight about all day?
Do you want to make sure you have the tools to
keep your kids from getting addicted?
Come join us
Want to find out how good your relationship is with your teen today? take the quiz and get a customized training to help you make it even better!
Trying On A Different Me March 8, 2016
My Year Did Not Start Out Great – How About Yours? March 8, 2016
It’s Time I Forgave Myself March 8, 2016
© 2021 Tova Garr | All Rights Reserved