When I was a young girl, nothing annoyed me more than being told I could not do something because I was a girl. I remember, as if it was yesterday,that after giving my Bat Mitzvah speech, my aunt came up to me and said “ You spoke so beautifully and intelligently, just like a boy.” I was furious. To me, this was not a compliment! I now know that she meant well and, to her, this was a genuine compliment and expression of love. In the last couple of years, we have seen more and more ad campaigns attempting to…
Are You Having Trouble Saying The Right Thing?
How are you feeling about your daughter today? Was today a good day? Was today one of those days when she woke up full of optimism and creative ideas? Maybe she was incredibly thoughtful and sensitive? Or maybe today was one of those days where she feels like the world is about to fall apart… it could be because of what you would consider a real problem, or maybe you are thinking to yourself right now- why does she not get this is NOT a big deal and by tomorrow it will all be over with. If she is having…
Are You Happy?
As women, we spend a lot of our time caring for others. This is partially because it is our nature to nurture and support, and partially because of society’s expectations. As I reflect back on my life, I spent many years disregarding my own needs and desires in service of supporting other people. Supporting their vision, caring for their needs, and just making sure that they were happy. I am not complaining. I did it with love, and out of a deep sense of commitment. But even coming from a good place, there was a price I paid. I spent…