Have you ever wished you could just be someone else for a day? That you could make all your worries, disappointments, pressure and “to do” list simply disappears? Do you think about what would have happened if you had made other choices in life, where would you be today? I know I do sometimes. Our teen girls are at a point in life when they are trying to figure out, on a daily basis, who they are. They think about what choices they are going to make and what impact these choices are going to have on their social life,…
I Cried On The Plane
One of the things I like to do when I fly is to catch up on movies. The truth is, this is almost the only time I watch movies. Last week, on one of my flights, I watched a documentary about Amy Winehouse. During the movie, I became increasingly upset and tears started rolling down my face. It was so obvious, that the man sitting next to me asked if I was okay. Why was I upset? Because Amy’s life was one that was full of so much talent and so much pain. What I found most upsetting is that…
Entering the “Family-Time Season”:Your Teen Survival Guide
I am SO excited my parents are coming to town! From the time I moved out of the house after my army service and completing my BA, I lived a 15-minute walk from my parents. I was close enough to come over when I wanted some TLC, and far enough away to have my own life. Living half way across the world, I only get to see them now a couple of times a year. Like I said, I am excited. But with the excitement comes the realization that we will be spending a lot of time in a small…
Are You Surviving Summer Vacation!
We are deep into the summer, and I am hearing from many of you that things are starting to get overwhelming. Whether you are at home with the kids or still going off to work, there is something about the summer with it’s organized chaos (or hopefully organized) that brings on another layer of added stress. I know you may be spending more quality time as a family and going off to visit family, and hopefully somewhere in there you have left some time for rest. Being on vacation and taking part in family activities and time with your relatives…