How are you feeling about your daughter today? Was today a good day? Was today one of those days when she woke up full of optimism and creative ideas? Maybe she was incredibly thoughtful and sensitive? Or maybe today was one of those days where she feels like the world is about to fall apart… it could be because of what you would consider a real problem, or maybe you are thinking to yourself right now- why does she not get this is NOT a big deal and by tomorrow it will all be over with. If she is having…
Five Things You Should Stop Doing Today – They Don’t Help
We all want the best for our daughters. A woman I was speaking to this week was sharing with me her frustration. She would do anything in her power to make sure that her daughter is not hurting or suffering, and therefore will do all she can to help when her daughter is facing a challenge. Despite all the books she has read and all of the strategies she has tried out, she still feels like she can’t get it right.
How to Teach your Daughter to Support Others Experiencing Loss Dealing With Loss – Part 3
In the last part of this series, I would like to talk about how we can teach our daughters to support others who are dealing with loss. In the Jewish tradition there is something called “shiva,” which is a seven day mourning period that follows the death of a close relative. During those days, those in mourning will stay at home and are not allowed to do anything. All of their needs are taken care of by others in the community, and their only responsibility is to mourn the loss of their loved one. It is customary to come and…
Dealing with Loss – Part 2 How to Help Your Daughter When She Has Experienced a Loss
I will never forget the first time I experienced real loss. As I shared with you a few weeks ago, I was 16. I had been really lucky until then. All four of my grandparents were alive, and while some of my friends had experienced the death of grandparents, loss seemed a far-away thing. That all changed one day in July. On a bright summer morning at camp, my brother came up to me as I was standing with friends, waiting to be let into the dining room for breakfast. He had come over to share with me the news…
Dealing With Loss – Part 1
In my last post I shared with you my own story of loss and some of the resulting choices I made. First, I would like to thank those of you who reached out in appreciation of my sharing my personal story, as well as entrusting me with yours. As we all know, no matter where you grow up, or where you live your life, loss will always be an integral part of life. It does not matter if loss is the result of a natural death, an unexpected and untimely tragedy (such as a suicide or traffic accident), or a…