How are you feeling about your daughter today? Was today a good day? Was today one of those days when she woke up full of optimism and creative ideas? Maybe she was incredibly thoughtful and sensitive? Or maybe today was one of those days where she feels like the world is about to fall apart… it could be because of what you would consider a real problem, or maybe you are thinking to yourself right now- why does she not get this is NOT a big deal and by tomorrow it will all be over with. If she is having…
Are You Happy?
As women, we spend a lot of our time caring for others. This is partially because it is our nature to nurture and support, and partially because of society’s expectations. As I reflect back on my life, I spent many years disregarding my own needs and desires in service of supporting other people. Supporting their vision, caring for their needs, and just making sure that they were happy. I am not complaining. I did it with love, and out of a deep sense of commitment. But even coming from a good place, there was a price I paid. I spent…
She Started School Now What?
How has your week been? Has getting back to school for you and your daughter been easy? A challenge? Is she sharing what is going on with her, or holding back and keeping to herself? Every girl deals with the new school year in a different way. One of the girls I am working with was sharing her concerns about the new school year, and what she might be facing. We spoke about strategies for having a successful year and the ways she can reach out to her mother for support. Here are six things that you can do as…
Why I Did it Anyway!
On Sunday I set off to do what I thought was impossible for me. Finish a half marathon. Why impossible? I had all the good reasons: my ankle that is not yet fully healed, I have done very little high impact training (walking and running on the real ground) in the last two months and to be honest, its me- I hate running why would I do this to myself? So why did I do it? I did it because one of the many things that I have learned over the last 4 months of training, is that what we…