Have you ever wished you could just be someone else for a day? That you could make all your worries, disappointments, pressure and “to do” list simply disappears? Do you think about what would have happened if you had made other choices in life, where would you be today? I know I do sometimes. Our teen girls are at a point in life when they are trying to figure out, on a daily basis, who they are. They think about what choices they are going to make and what impact these choices are going to have on their social life,…
My Year Did Not Start Out Great – How About Yours?
It’s the beginning of the new school year with lots of excitement and opportunity in the air. What will this school year be like? Will it be same? What will be different? I started off the new school year sick. I was knocked down by a bad sinus infection, leaving me sprawled on the couch, unable to move, allowing for too much time to scroll through my Facebook page full of pictures of happy kids on their way to their first day of school. On the one hand, I love this. I get to see all of my friends’ kids,…
Summer an impending disaster or opportunity?
How was your weekend? Did you get a chance to rest, connect or was it crazy and hectic? I often feel like when I look at the way I spend my time off it is a reflection of the way I am living my life and the interaction I am having with the world around me. It all gets magnified. As everyone here in the US was celebrating Memorial Day weekend, I (together with the rest of the Jewish world) was celebrating the Jewish holiday of Shavuot, this holiday celebrates Moses coming down from the mountain with the 10 commandments….
What Do You Tell Yourself? What Do You Tell Your Daughter?
When I was a young girl, nothing annoyed me more than being told I could not do something because I was a girl. I remember, as if it was yesterday,that after giving my Bat Mitzvah speech, my aunt came up to me and said “ You spoke so beautifully and intelligently, just like a boy.” I was furious. To me, this was not a compliment! I now know that she meant well and, to her, this was a genuine compliment and expression of love. In the last couple of years, we have seen more and more ad campaigns attempting to…
Turns out I am a drama queen
Do you live in the drama? Does your daughter? I never thought I did. While my life has been full of events that some would call dramatic, from physical injury. Technical mishaps to loosing loved ones, I never saw these as dramatic. To me they were just what was happening, they happened, I dealt with it and moved on. In fact, when they did happen, I would do all I could to play it down as “not a big deal” and if I could I would simply disappear because I did not want the spotlight shone on me. Over the…