Have you ever wished you could just be someone else for a day? That you could make all your worries, disappointments, pressure and “to do” list simply disappears? Do you think about what would have happened if you had made other choices in life, where would you be today? I know I do sometimes. Our teen girls are at a point in life when they are trying to figure out, on a daily basis, who they are. They think about what choices they are going to make and what impact these choices are going to have on their social life,…
Did You Talk To Your Daughter About This Week Terror Attacks?
This has been one week where I was grateful that I chose not to Install cable when I moved a year ago and stick to getting my news online. Otherwise, like so many others I would have a hard time not re-watching the tragedies of this past week. Growing up in Israel, terrorist attacks are sadly not foreign to me. I can tell you that having a lot of exposure and personal experience, do not make events like we have all experienced this past week any easier. It pains me every time I find out someone I know has been…
Summer an impending disaster or opportunity?
How was your weekend? Did you get a chance to rest, connect or was it crazy and hectic? I often feel like when I look at the way I spend my time off it is a reflection of the way I am living my life and the interaction I am having with the world around me. It all gets magnified. As everyone here in the US was celebrating Memorial Day weekend, I (together with the rest of the Jewish world) was celebrating the Jewish holiday of Shavuot, this holiday celebrates Moses coming down from the mountain with the 10 commandments….
We Have Serious Girl Problems
A few days ago, I got a call from one of my 12 year old clients, who we will call Debbie, that started with “We have serious girl problems!”. I was not sure what to expect, but soon it became clear. She had gotten her period a few months back, and was still trying to deal with this new part of her life. As can happen with young girls, she was getting her period on a cycle of every two and half to three weeks. This was overwhelming, to say the least, for a girl on the verge of womanhood….
Five Things You Should Stop Doing Today – They Don’t Help
We all want the best for our daughters. A woman I was speaking to this week was sharing with me her frustration. She would do anything in her power to make sure that her daughter is not hurting or suffering, and therefore will do all she can to help when her daughter is facing a challenge. Despite all the books she has read and all of the strategies she has tried out, she still feels like she can’t get it right.